Monday, June 28, 2010

Skiing/Climbing June 27th!!!! Sunrise Mt. Rainier & Chinook Pass

Map of where we hiked then skied on Sunday this is the first hike me and Mike Benson went on at Sunrise on Mount Rainier
The second hike we went up on Sunday, this one is off hwy 410 at Chinook pass
Mikes youtube skills with my runs on Sunday

A great video Mike put together of my ski runs on Sunday

The view of Rainier from Burroughs Mountain
Mike at the top of the first hill we climbed, you can see directly above him is Burroughs Mnt that we hiked and skied from here
Sunday morning at Sunrise visitors center geared up and ready to go.... damn the hellbents are heavy!
Mike getting ready to ski down to Chinook pass
Me standing on the top of Burroughs Mnt before skiing down

Some scrambeling down a sketchy ridge in ski pants!.... it was steeper than it looks
We had a little fun on the way down and tested out the new lift kit on a mild offroad trail
Mike scrambeling up the rocks
rock outcrop
Mike heading down the ridge
Chinook Pass on hwy 410 from where we hiked climbed to
The ridge we partially scrambeled up after dropping off the skis and packs
view down from the ridge..... falling would have been very very bad
Peak right above Tipso lake but from the East
The parking lot on hwy 410 where we parked from where we started skiing in the afternoon
Burroughs Mnt where we first skied in the morning
Check out the slide fracture line close by on Rainier
The hillside to the left of the ranger cabin is the first hill we hiked that morning
The trail sight to Mount Freemont, usually at chest level
Wonderland Trail sign
View of parking lot from ridge line... dont fall zone
You can see our tracks down Burrough Mnt in the morning
View looking East from the top of the ridge, you can see hwy 410 heading to Yakima

Mike skiing down from the first hill

Mike Skiing down from Burroughs

Mike skiing down the second part of Burroughs