Sunday, July 8, 2012

2012 Final Ski Post/Hawaii

It was a good year of skiing and while I didn't get nearly as many days as I wanted in it was still full of good times.  This has clips and pics from the last few weekends at Crystal this year.
Court and Caitlin sporting their gangsta Crystal Mnt bandannas
Court and I on the patio at Crystal
The snow was really starting to disappear in July

Court with her outfit for closing day July 1st
A small lake has formed in Snorting Elk Bowl
Mike, Me, Court and Sean on Closing day July 1st 2012

And since it was less than a week after skiing... a CGR tip to Hawaii to hang out in the non frozen H20

A quick video of my first time ever surfing

I ended up snorkeling next to this guy!
 Getting ready to head out!
 Waiting for my next wave!
 This was a huge turtle
 Diving down deeper while snorkeling