Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Mid-Week work

Finally my Ski-wax-setup in my garage is complete! I finished the table with adjustable vices, a beer fridge, a soda/energy drink fridge, and a tv to watch ski movies on while I wax and tune my and courts skis!
So I also put in some crazy off-road use only headlight and fog light bulbs in the xterra this week as well.
Straight from Korea, they are putting out 85/100 now vs 45/55 stock
So I also put in some crazy off-road use only headlight and fog light bulbs in the xterra this week as well.

Will be heading up to Crystal Mountain for the fireworks new years eve! Show starts at 9pm, also they are showing the new TGR movie on Saturday night at the base lodge and I will be there, new snow is in the forecast and I cant wait to get up there!


  1. Those lights are ridiculous. Man garage is looking good!

  2. Did you get the wheels and tires done?
